Tuesday, August 18, 2009


Who says
"one strike you're out?" This does not apply to the American spirit. You see
the signing of disgraced football and Hall of Fame quarterback Michael Vick to a contract with the Philadelphia Eagles is a typical display of restoration embraced by America and taught by the Holy Bible. Although much discussion has been created about morality and although those who oppose MV's release or his new job find it repugnant and play the "holier-than-thou" attitude, it remains true to America, that grace and forgiveness are stronger than criticism and accusation. Some say that deal would never take place and yet, some even salivate about new options for the Eagles in the red zone. But, despite all the nay sayers, MV has gotten a second chance. I wish him strength, courage and mental fortitude in the years ahead to complete his full comeback. The Bible instructs us that forgiveness is received when one repents, confesses the evil and makes restitution in some cases. These are steps that take place in a spirit of contrition. The etymology of contrition may assist us a little here: the Latin verb from which the English word 'contrition' is derived means "grinding down."

The Golden Rule principle contained in the Lord's prayer, "Our Father. . . .Forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us," includes Michael Vick also. Thank you. Despite the dog-fighting he organized, despite the atrocity of this outlawed "sport," despite animals that were tortured to make them viciously aggressive, despite the injured beasts that were cruelly killed, Vick can be forgiven for the grace of God covers a multitude of sin regardless of their offensiveness.

Some think that a premeditated offense, a calculated sin cannot be pardoned or forgiven. I think the Bible is the absolute authority on this subject and it declares emphatically that "all have sinned" while defining it as "the transgression of the law." Some think of Vick's offense as something well calculated and not as "red hot," like a crime of passion committed in a moment of fury or desire. They even say it in the media and the press that his was a cold and calculating abuse of innocent creatures of God. The classification of people doing wrong will lead all who misconstrue the true meaning of sin and the remedy for it. Some even attempted to classify Vick as a "depraved" to show the ugliness of his actions.

It would have been much better to concentrate our attention on Mike's redemption instead of his fall. As I said many times in my writings, true success is not exempt from falls, but it is measured by how we bounce back from those falls. Mike has a long way to go as he learns Divine wisdom to cope with what lies ahead in his future. Don't be too down or harsh on Mike lest we fail to see the upside. The best thing Mike Vick could do right now is to lay low till the storm is fully passed. There will be a plethora of greedy fortune-seekers that wiil attempt to capitalize on Mike's comeback as a quarter back. Mike must seek Godly counsel, wise advice and walk in the straight and narrow for the rest of his life. Any apparent fall will constitute a relapse that may appear irreparable. Do you think that his effort to change his ways can lead him to overcome this temptation to fall back into old patterns? I think, as Hall of Fame sportswriter Ray Didinger has insisted, "it's too early to know." But in God's eyes, there is none too far to bring back, none to deep in the mire to be pulled out, none bad to change. For, if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature, old things are passed away and behold everything has become new.

What are your thoughts about Michael Vick? drop us a note in the comment box below. We will reply to you.
But ultimately, as it has been during the QB hey days, the ball is till in the hands of Mike Vick. He must demonstrate what contrition he will make from his experience as he lives an exemplary life devoted to the cause of animals that are suffering. So, I say to Mike Vick, BOUNCE BACK and be the best of what you were called to be.

For another series of bounce back, click here for our econmy in America needs to bounce back from 9.4% unemployment and the great fall it suffered. By God's grace inplemrnted in our human effort, we can turn the tide together.

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Bounce back Mike for good, would you?


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